The McKinnon School Zone Experts!

 Selling / Buying / Renting


We know that selling the family home or investment is not only an emotional exercise but a major decision to make as for many people it is the most valuable asset they will ever own. Therefore our main objective is to reduce the stress as much as possible and deliver an enjoyable and unforgettable experience with a simple uncomplicated personalised sale. 

Unlike other agents, we do not force large marketing campaigns onto our sellers, advising them that they need full coverage of the media in order to effectively sell their property.   We realise that each property has a personality and each property must be treated differently. So we try to specifically tailor each sales campaign to the budget and comfort of the seller.
We understand the reluctance many people have when faced with the daunting task of choosing a real estate agent. We aim to provide the best service possible when selling your property.

Why sell with us

The biggest principle we practice for the success of our Sales Department is team work. Thorough attention to detail in all aspects of day to day activities, ensures efficient operation. We keep up to date with market trends and current legislation.

One of our key success factors is to keep clients well informed on the sale process of their property through regular communication, be it by phone, email or over a coffee.

We are a family run and owned business providing close personal service. We therefore identify with and understand the needs of our buyers & sellers.

We provide the highest level of service by treating each property we sell as if it were our own.


You will be pleasantly surprised in dealing with us. We will be able to answer all your questions in a way which will relieve all your doubts and fears.



First Impressions are Lasting
First impressions do count.  From the time the prospective buyers arrive they should notice that the gardens and lawns are well presented.

A Tidy House says "Welcome"
Your home should be kept neat and tidy during the period of inspections and try to clear out any “clutter”.

Repairs can make a Big Difference
Make sure that all minor repairs are completed. Sticking doors and windows, running toilets, loose door knobs, holes in walls are all noticed and can have an affect on people’s opinions.

Letting the Sunshine in
Let plenty of light into your home. Nothing improves atmosphere more than brightness.

Make them comfortable
A warm, comfortably heated home on cold days adds a feeling of cosiness.  You could go as far as lighting some incense to give the house a nice aroma.

Inspections: Don’t crowd your buyers
Avoid having too many people present during inspections, and try not to follow potential buyers around, a little space for reflection or private discussion is generally appreciated.

Silence is Golden
Be courteous and available for questions but try not to force conversation with a potential buyer. The prospective purchaser wants to inspect your home-not pay a social call.

Avoid Distractions
As a general rule it is advisable to turn off radio and television sets during inspections, as they can be very distracting.

Don’t Point out the Obvious
Don't apologise for the appearance or condition of your home (this does nothing but emphasise the faults).

Working with your Agent
You and your agent should always work as a team. If you feel your agent has overlooked some important selling points, feel free to discuss them privately.

For any further enquiries
Please do not hesitate to call our office on 03 9578 0909.



When is the best time to buy property
Buying a home can be a daunting experience and timing your entrance into the real estate market can be an even more frightening experience. In a perfect world, you should buy when prices are low and sell when prices are high. However, home buyers often back away from buying when prices are low because of fear they will drop further. Similarly, there is often a buying frenzy when prices are high.

Location, Location, Location!
This is an old saying but worth considering before you start the house hunting process. How far do you want to travel to work? How close do you want to live to the major amenities - public transport, schools, local shops and other community facilities. How far are the local parks?  What sort of neighbours do you want, ie retail shops or vacant land?

Make a Wish list
What do you need and want in a home? You can save many hours and potential arguments if you make a list before you start. Start with writing down the features you MUST have in your new home, then those items you know you don't want and others you would prefer to have but are not essential. A great way to start your wish list is to make a list of things you dislike about your current place of residence.

It's also a good idea to consider your lifestyle and habits. For example if you love to entertain, a big kitchen and/or entertaining area might become a want. Similarly, if you hate gardening, you might opt for a home on with a small maintenance free garden.

Also think about how long you plan to live in your new home. You might not be concerned with local schools now but later down the track this might become a priority.  So before you start house hunting think about both your current and your future housing needs.

Do your homework
Today with the abundance of media outlets and advancing technology particularly the internet it's relatively easy to find information with respect to sale and property information.  Just open up the weekend newspapers to read the latest news of the market and obtain the auction prices from the weekends. 

Seek mortgage pre-approval
What you can spend on a new home is determined by what you can borrow. Rather than guessing this amount it's a good idea to talk to your bank or finance provider so you can get a full assessment of what you can borrow. There are also many internet sites that have loan calculators ready to do the hard work for you. If possible seek pre-approval from your lender so when you do find the house of your dreams you won't miss out while waiting for the paperwork to be finalized.

Use a checklist
Inspecting several homes can be confusing. Rather than relying on memory, make notes on each home you visit. Some people take photographs to help remember and look back on once you get home.  However always ensure you seek permission first from the agent prior to doing this.

Be prepared
House hunting can be exhausting, especially when inspecting a dozen homes or more in a day. Be sure to wear comfortable clothing and shoes and bring along some snacks to eat in between inspections to keep up the energy levels.

Make an offer
Finally, if you do find the house of your dreams or at least the one which fits your criteria most accurately, make an offer. After all, you don't want to go through the house hunting process and come out empty handed.

For any further enquiries
please do not hesitate to call our office on 03 9578 0909.



Tips For Landlords

Spend money when required
In order to maintain good returns on your investment it is wise to keep an eye on the property's condition and spend a few dollars when and where necessary to keep the property looking its best. Neglecting general maintenance to save a few dollars could cost weeks worth of rent in the future or attract a less than desirable tenant.

Regular maintenance also satisfies existing tenants. It encourages them to stay longer and helps justify future rent increases.

Top quality maintenance ensures an investor is not only able to achieve the highest possible rental return, but perhaps more importantly, strengthens the prospect of long term capital growth.

Tips for Tenants

Applying for a property

When you apply to rent a property through a real estate agent, ensure you provide accurate and detailed information about yourself and references. This enables us to quickly process your application giving you the best chance of success.

Residential Tenancy Agreement
When entering into a residential tenancy agreement, ask your agent to explain anything you don't understand. Remember it is a binding legal document.
When you sign the Residential Tenancy Agreement you will receive a copy so that you have a record of each party's rights and responsibilities. You will also receive a copy of the condition report setting out the condition of the property at the beginning of the tenancy.  Make sure you add anything to this you feel may need attention.

The rental bond is an amount paid by the tenant as a form of security for the landlord.  It is usually one calendar month’s rent.  This is returned at the end of the term of your rental agreement provided the property is in the same condition as when you entered the property.

For any further enquiries
please do not hesitate to call our office on 03 9578 0909.



Some of our recent sales and happy customers!

 Jean Street, McKinnon

           Bed: 4 Bath: 2, Car: 1

Bent Street, McKinnon

              Bed: 2, Bath: 2, Car: 1

Lindsay Street, McKinnon

               Bed: 4 Bath: 2, Car: 2

Adelaide Street, McKinnon

                Bed: 2 Bath: 2, Car: 4

Properties For Sale, Properties For Lease and More Sold Properties links above have been redirected to however this is not a full and comprehensive list of our current or past sold properites.  Please contact our office to discuss further with our sales or property management departments. 

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